Part Number: 270602007084
Supersession(s): 27060-20070-84; 2706020070


Fits ES 300

Alternator - Repair or Replace
Your alternator replenishes your battery when your car is running. If you have a battery light, low charge warning, or your recently replaced battery already needs a jump, the alternator in your Lexus may need to be repaired or replaced.

16 people have looked at this part recently


$ 250.34
MSRP and price exclude taxes, installation, shipping, and dealer charges. Dealer sets actual price. Contact dealer for limited warranty, inventory level, and return policy details.
MSRP $ 250.34
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Reman Product

This product has been remanufactured per factory specifications.

Core Charge

This product has a $75.00 core charge which will be included in the cart at checkout.

Policies & Information

Manufacturer Warranty